Tag Archives: 03/12/2015


I will raise among you a people who will dwell in my holy place. I am raising among you dwellers of the holy place, men who will touch the earth from the holy place. They shall stand as gods in the earth for by them I will both create and bring salvation. I will raise men of high spiritual intelligence, men of great dexterity in the spirit filled with grace and creative prowess on how to war with Babylon.

I will pour out of my spirit, the creativity of the throne that the earth cannot look away from. I will cause a brilliance to come upon you, a great measure of which cannot be gainsaid. I will grant great creative abilities in poetry, literature, songs, technology, economy, etc. I will pour grace upon your lips. I will cause your adversaries to hear you. I will make men of light to come to you for I will magnify by great wisdom the preaching of Eternal life.

I will visit your obscure places and cause great light to break forth in your midst.

But this one thing do I demand, that you put me first. Put me first, me first, that I may ride freely upon your shoulders. Put me first, just put me first.